Words orient our thoughts, feelings and actions to our values. In a very real sense the language we use is the code that we apply to both interpret and create the world around us. Symbols that hold a resonance, frequency and meaning. Spells.
We use Sacrament intentionally over terms like medicine, substance, or supplement to bring a sense of connection, communion and harmony into our conscious awareness as we practice.
Of course, that sense of connection and harmony is medicine in itself. Deeply healing and replenishing, yet we find that when we align our intentions with not just healing, but expansion we can move from regeneration to generation.
There's immense value in ritualising habits that create and maintain balance in our lives. When we let even more light and expansive energy in, those rituals can become ceremonies.
From Supplement to Sacrament.
Maintenance to Magick.
An Eclectic Approach
Synthesising traditional, esoteric and experimental techniques we blend, produce & extract in-house, and partner with artists and artisans to create our offerings. Naturally liberated while respecting the art, and free from limiting dogma.
Sacrament/s as we refer to them are the applied technology of transformation. Depending on the modality and tradition, a sacrament could look like plant medicine, tinctures, music, dance, breath, bodywork, tea, talk therapy or a combination of myriad other modalities, even stillness itself. Each Sacrament will have accompanied tools and rituals (think a tea ceremony). Even ascetics who largely forgo additional trapping in their practice will have their chosen techniques, substances and anchors. For a further breakdown on how Sacraments work in ceremonial context, we have a journal post on the topic here.
Sacrament/s as we refer to them are the applied technology of transformation. Depending on the modality and tradition, a sacrament could look like plant medicine, tinctures, music, dance, breath, bodywork, tea, talk therapy or a combination of myriad other modalities, even stillness itself. Each Sacrament will have accompanied tools and rituals (think a tea ceremony). Even ascetics who largely forgo additional trapping in their practice will have their chosen techniques, substances and anchors. For a further breakdown on how Sacraments work in ceremonial context, we have a journal post on the topic here.
In general, and as a rule we need very little. To use a food analogy, some people eat lentils alone with no seasoning. For most, and for lots of reasons, adding spices and seasonings, plating up in a considered and mindful way, and giving thanks is a more integrated and complete expression of something that represents the colours, joy and nuance of life. Like most practices, the effect is compounded when shared with love.
In general, and as a rule we need very little. To use a food analogy, some people eat lentils alone with no seasoning. For most, and for lots of reasons, adding spices and seasonings, plating up in a considered and mindful way, and giving thanks is a more integrated and complete expression of something that represents the colours, joy and nuance of life. Like most practices, the effect is compounded when shared with love.
Trust your intuition here. We’ve added some guidance around practices and composition of each to help, and the theme/archetype expressed will apply differently to everyone at different times. For a complete daily cycle we have the Transitions Set of Ceremonial Botanical Tea, along with other bundles and sets to channel particular energies for your practice.
Trust your intuition here. We’ve added some guidance around practices and composition of each to help, and the theme/archetype expressed will apply differently to everyone at different times. For a complete daily cycle we have the Transitions Set of Ceremonial Botanical Tea, along with other bundles and sets to channel particular energies for your practice.
We’re gradually reducing the alcohol content in each as we explore and land on different ways of keeping the power and expression of the blends while maintaining and improving the palate. Saying that, even though they are potent extracts, a standard dose has about as much alcohol as a bottle of kombucha or a few ripe bananas. Again, trust your intuition here. If the tonics don’t feel right, our tea range may suit your style.
We’re gradually reducing the alcohol content in each as we explore and land on different ways of keeping the power and expression of the blends while maintaining and improving the palate. Saying that, even though they are potent extracts, a standard dose has about as much alcohol as a bottle of kombucha or a few ripe bananas. Again, trust your intuition here. If the tonics don’t feel right, our tea range may suit your style.
You know what's right for your situation. The herbs we choose have a close and storied history around the world (for a very long time), and some herbs definitely aren't recommended during pregnancy (e.g. mugwort, hibiscus, heavily caffeinated etc). Even for completely "safe" herbs, each person's constitution will respond differently at different times. As a guideline, we land on the ever useful "If it isn't a clear yes, then it's a no", and we find that life is more harmonious when we listen to our internal guidance. It may be a yes later! Trust yourself in sovereignty.
You know what's right for your situation. The herbs we choose have a close and storied history around the world (for a very long time), and some herbs definitely aren't recommended during pregnancy (e.g. mugwort, hibiscus, heavily caffeinated etc). Even for completely "safe" herbs, each person's constitution will respond differently at different times. As a guideline, we land on the ever useful "If it isn't a clear yes, then it's a no", and we find that life is more harmonious when we listen to our internal guidance. It may be a yes later! Trust yourself in sovereignty.